
What Makes Kikuyu Natural Turf an Excellent Addition to Your Landscaping this Spring Season?

29 September 2021

Kikuyu grass is local to the highland districts of East Africa. Kikuyu is most notable for being a profoundly intrusive and forceful producer and it is this attribute that makes it reasonable at times as a home grass. With the capacity to act in most Australian environments, Kikuyu can stand up to a wide range of conditions. Kikuyu can be a decent alternative for both home yards and bigger spaces like racecourses or stops and is additionally utilised as the field for livestock munching. It was brought into Australia consequently, as a hearty field grass for cows. Assuming you’re searching for a grass that is an affordable all-rounder, Kikuyu could be a possibility for you.

Key Characteristics

Kikuyu flourishes at a bright angle and handles full sun. It can build up a solid, profound root base which assists it with standing up to the sweltering late spring days and gives adequate dry season tolerance. Kikuyu spreads through incredible development by the two stolons and rhizomes, making it a typical alternative for bigger regions and disintegration control. Because of its solid vertical and sub-surface development propensities, it can undoubtedly attack and spread all through your nursery and turns out to be extremely challenging to control.

Kikuyu can fill in a wide range of soil types, however performs at its best in fruitful, light to medium finished soil with moderate seepage and saltiness levels. The ideal soil pH for Kikuyu is 5.5-7.0, however, it can tolerate levels as low as 4.5.

Being a warm-season turf assortment, Kikuyu favours developing temperatures somewhere in the range of 15 and 25 degrees Celsius yet can manage in conditions a lot more blazing. During winter, Kikuyu will go into a specific degree of dormancy and will stop developing when presented to ice. Kikuyu is certifiably not an extraordinary entertainer in low light or concealed regions and will need something like 5-6 hours of direct daylight to flourish.


Kikuyu is known to be exceptionally receptive to nitrogen and can see a solid flush of leaf development when a high measure of nitrogen is applied. Consequently, we suggest applying sluggish delivery manure during the hotter months to guarantee leaf development doesn’t rapidly go crazy.

Weed and Pest Control

Most locally accessible compound weed and nuisance control items can be utilised on Kikuyu yards. Be that as it may, most Winter Grass executioner herbicides are undependable to use on Kikuyu, and the utilisation of Paspalum herbicides (containing DSMA) are restricted to spot treatment as it were.

It is in every case best to peruse the name and check with your provider for suggested items before any application. Albeit a Kikuyu yard’s underlying expense can be lower than different assortments, consider the drawn-out maintenance and upkeep costs related to this sort of grass.

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Evan Behrens

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