
Laying and Fertilising Turf

01 July 2019

You will need to clear the natural ground of building rubble and excavate if the slope of the land falls back to your house – ideally the rain run off needs to flow away from the building. It is also important if you are installing sprinklers that there is conduit PVC 90mm pipe placed adjacent to your taps under andy concrete paths. All edging, fencing and paths (any hard scaping) needs to be completed before turf is installed.

Once the initial preparation has been completed, a 70-90mm layer of good quality soil needs to be leveled across the surface. A leveling rake and string line come in handy here. Once this is done, start up fertilizer (usually supplied by the turf company) is spread across the surface. The turf can then be laid in a brick work pattern across the surface and upon completion it should be top dressed with a premium sand. This will help improve the connectivity of the turf with the soil and retain moisture.

The turf should be water 1-3 time a day (depending on how hot and windy it is) until such a time that it can’t be pulled up. Thus should take 3-5 weeks in warm weather. Watering should ease back to once every 3-4 days and then when fully established once a week or when required.

Warm season turf (such as Soft Leaf Buffalo, Kikuyuy and Couch) can be laid in the winter time but will require lots of maintenance (namely watering every day) until it starts growing in the warmer months. Because these varieties are warm season grasses they go into a dormant stage in the colder months.

Once your turf is established it can be fertilized early Spring and late Summer/early Autumn to help it through the colder months. Slow release granular fertilser is the best product as it releases nutrients into the soil slowly over a period of time. These products can be purchased at any nursery or Bunnings.

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